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- 6 poke53280,0
- 7 poke53281,0
- 8 print"[147]"
- 9 gosub3285
- 10 clr
- 11 sk$=" "
- 12 printchr$(8)
- 13 qu=109
- 14 dimz$(qu+25)
- 15 my=rnd(-ti):vv=54272
- 16 my=int(rnd(1)*qu)+1
- 17 forw=1toqu+25
- 18 readz$(w)
- 19 nextw
- 20 print""
- 21 fory=1tolen(m$)
- 22 printmid$(m$,y,1)" [157]";
- 23 forx=1to10:next:next
- 24 wr$(0)="[211]orry":wr$(1)="[215]rong":wr$(2)="[201]ncorrect":wr$(3)="'[198]raid not"
- 26 poke214,12:print:print"[154] [215]ould you like instructions? (y[154]/n[154])"
- 55 getk$:ifk$<>"y"andk$<>"n"then55
- 80 ifk$="n"thengosub2650:gosub5000:goto1590
- 95 print"[147]";
- 96 printtab(15)"[158][196][201][210][197][195][212][201][207][206][211]"
- 97 print"[159]1. [197]ach time you are presented with a"
- 98 print" question the correct answer is one"
- 99 print" of the 8 randomly chosen [193]mericans"
- 100 print" listed in the key at the top of the"
- 101 print" screen.[129] [193]nswer by pressing one of"
- 130 print" the number keys (1-8)."
- 131 print"[159]2. [212]he point values of the questions"
- 132 print" begin at 10 and increase[159] by 10"
- 133 print" as you answer the questions correctly. [215]henever";
- 134 print" you miss a question the value of the next"
- 155 print" question is decreased[159] by 10 points.";
- 156 print" ([205]inimum point value is 10 points, however)."
- 157 print"[159]3. [212]he program will end on your 3rd"
- 158 print" missed question, or when the[146]"
- 159 print" questions run out."
- 180 gosub4000
- 191 print"[147]"
- 192 print"[156]"tab(13)"[208][204][193][217][197][210] [210][193][212][201][206][199][211]"
- 193 printtab(13)"[163][163][163][163][163][163] [163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 194 print"[153]"tab(2)"[217]our [198]inal [211]core";
- 195 printtab(23)"[210]ating"
- 196 printtab(2)"[163][163][163][163] [163][163][163][163][163] [163][163][163][163][163]";
- 197 printtab(23)"[163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 198 print"[154] 50,000+...........[129][200][201][211][212][207][210][201][193][206]"
- 199 print"[154] 10,000-49,999.....[129][195][207][204][204][197][199][197] [199][210][193][196][213][193][212][197]"
- 230 print"[154] 1,000-9,999.......[129][200][201][199][200][160][211][195][200][207][207][204][160][199][210][193][196][213][193][212][197]"
- 231 print"[154] 400-999...........[129]8[212][200] [199][210][193][196][197] [199][210][193][196][213][193][212][197]"
- 232 print"[154] 200-399...........[129]6[212][200] [199][210][193][196][197][210]"
- 233 print"[154] 100-199...........[129]3[210][196] [199][210][193][196][197][210]"
- 250 print"[154] 50-99.............[129]1[211][212] [199][210][193][196][197][210]"
- 251 print"[154] 0-49..............[129][203][201][206][196][197][210][199][193][210][212][206][197][210]"
- 253 gosub4000:gosub5000
- 276 goto2770
- 285 data"[202]ohn [193]dams","[202]ohn [209]. [193]dams","[202]ane [193]ddams","[197]than [193]llen"
- 286 data"[211]usan [194]. [193]nthony","[206]eil [193]rmstrong","[194]enedict [193]rnold","[195]rispus [193]ttucks"
- 287 data"[195]lara [194]arton","[193]lexander [199]. [194]ell"
- 288 data"[194]righam [217]oung","[207]rville [215]right","[215]oodrow [215]ilson","[210]oger [215]illiams"
- 305 data"[197]li [215]hitney","[196]aniel [215]ebster","[199]eorge [215]ashington","[205]ark [212]wain"
- 306 data"[195]ornelius [214]anderbilt","'[194]oss' [215]illiam [212]weed"
- 307 data"[196]aniel [194]oone","[202]ohn [215]. [194]ooth","[202]ohn [194]rown","[193]aron [194]urr"
- 308 data"[202]ohn [195]. [195]alhoun","[193]ndrew [195]arnegie","[200]enry [195]lay","[196]e[215]itt [195]linton"
- 325 data"[199]eorge [195]uster","[202]efferson [196]avis","[211]tephen [193]. [196]ouglas"
- 326 data"[197]mily [196]ickinson","[198]rederick [196]ouglass","[193]melia [197]arhart"
- 327 data"[212]homas [197]dison","[196]wight [197]isenhower","[199]erald [198]ord","[200]enry [198]ord"
- 328 data"[194]enjamin [198]ranklin","[210]obert [198]ulton"
- 345 data"[202]ohn [199]lenn","[213]lysses [211]. [199]rant","[193]lexander [200]amilton","[202]ohn [200]ancock"
- 346 data"[215]illiam [210]. [200]earst","[208]atrick [200]enry","[211]am [200]ouston","[197]lias [200]owe"
- 347 data"[193]nne [200]utchinson","[193]ndrew [202]ackson","'[211]tonewall' [202]ackson"
- 360 data"[202]ohn [202]ay","[212]homas [202]efferson","[193]ndrew [202]ohnson","[202]ohn [208]aul [202]ones"
- 361 data"[202]ohn [198]. [203]ennedy","[205]artin [204]. [203]ing","[210]obert [197]. [204]ee","[193]braham [204]incoln"
- 362 data"[195]harles [204]indbergh","[200]enry [215]. [204]ongfellow","[196]ouglas [205]ac[193]rthur"
- 375 data"[202]ames [205]adison","[198]rancis [205]arion","[202]ohn [205]arshall","[212]hurgood [205]arshall"
- 376 data"[195]yrus [205]c[195]ormick","[199]eorge [205]eade","[200]erman [205]elville","[202]ames [205]onroe"
- 377 data"[202].[208]. [205]organ","[211]amuel [205]orse","[195]arrie [206]ation","[210]ichard [206]ixon"
- 390 data"[211]andra [196]ay [207]'[195]onnor","[202]esse [207]wens","[212]homas [208]aine","[199]eorge [211]. [208]atton"
- 391 data"[205]atthew [208]erry","[207]liver [200]. [208]erry","[218]ebulon [208]ike","[205]olly [208]itcher"
- 392 data"[208]ocahontas","[210]onald [210]eagan","[208]aul [210]evere","[197]ddie [210]ickenbacker"
- 405 data"[211]ally [210]ide","[202]ohn [196]. [210]ockefeller","[197]leanor [210]oosevelt"
- 406 data"[198]ranklin [210]oosevelt","[212]heodore [210]oosevelt","[194]abe [210]uth","[211]acajawea"
- 407 data"[202]onas [211]alk","[196]red [211]cott","[193]lan [211]hepard","[202]ohn [208]hilip [211]ousa"
- 408 data"[211]quanto","[200]arriet [194]. [211]towe","[212]ecumseh","[200]enry [196]. [212]horeau"
- 425 data"[200]arry [211]. [212]ruman","[200]arriet [212]ubman","[206]athan [200]ale","[204]ouisa [205]ay [193]lcott"
- 426 data"[199]eorge [194]ush","[215]illiam [200]. [211]eward","[202]ohn [211]utter","[202]ohn [196]eere"
- 427 data"[210]ichard [200]enry [204]ee","[202]esse [202]ackson","[195]harles [196]arwin","[205]illard [198]illmore"
- 440 data"[200]erbert [200]oover","[211]inclair [204]ewis","[200]enry [195]abot [204]odge","[200]orace [205]ann"
- 441 data"[198]rances [208]erkins","[212]haddeus [211]tevens","[208]ontiac","[202]ack [210]uby","[211]am [193]dams"
- 442 data"[199]eorge [208]ullman","[215]ashington [201]rving","[193]lbert [199]allatin","[215]illiam [208]enn"
- 455 data"[202]ohn [204]. [204]ewis","[211]amuel [199]ompers","[206]athanael [199]reene","[215]alt [215]hitman"
- 456 data"[199]ilbert [211]tuart","[197]dwin [211]tanton","[202]ohn [211]teinbeck","[210]udolph [214]alentino"
- 457 so=54272
- 458 pokeso+24,15
- 459 pokeso+6,220
- 460 pokeso+4,17
- 461 forv=1to8
- 462 forx=1to185step7
- 463 pokeso+1,x
- 464 nextx
- 475 poke214,19:print:print"tab(13)" r\ "
- 476 [153][163]13)" str$(NULL)(NULL)peek(NULL)val (NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) atn(NULL)atn(NULL)str$valstr$ on"
- 477 [153][163]13)" "
- 478 [130]v
- 479 [151]so[170]4,32
- 480 [151]so[170]3,0
- 481 [151]so[170]4,0
- 482 ax[178](pv[172]2)
- 483 [129]x[178]1[164]750
- 484 [130]x
- 485 [142]
- 500 [131]"(NULL)he peekritish soldiers in the peekoston (NULL)assacre were defended by me."
- 501 [131]"mid$ohn atndams"
- 502 [131]"right$ was the only son of a (NULL)resident to be elected (NULL)resident."
- 503 [131]"mid$ohn (NULL). atndams"
- 504 [131]"right$ helped the poor by founding left$ull left$ousein 1889."
- 505 [131]"mid$ane atnddams"
- 530 [131]"right$ led the chr$reen (NULL)ountain peekoys to victoryduring the (NULL)evolutionary (NULL)ar."
- 531 [131]"valthan atnllen"
- 532 [131]"right$ gained fame working for women's legal and political rights."
- 533 [131]"(NULL)usan peek. atnnthony"
- 534 [131]"right$ was the first person to walk on the moon."
- 535 [131]"(NULL)eil atnrmstrong"
- 560 [131]"right$ was atnmerica's most famous traitor during the (NULL)evolutionary (NULL)ar."
- 561 [131]"peekenedict atnrnold"
- 562 [131]"right$ was considered the first black to die for the (NULL)evolutionary cause."
- 563 [131]"lenrispus atnttucks"
- 564 [131]"right$ was the lenivil (NULL)ar nurse who founded the atnmerican (NULL)ed lenross."
- 585 [131]"lenlara peekarton"
- 586 [131]"right$ perfected the telephone in (NULL)arch of 1876."
- 587 [131]"atnlexander chr$. peekell"
- 588 [131]"right$ led over 15,000 (NULL)ormons to (NULL)tah duringthe late 1840's."
- 589 [131]"peekrigham (NULL)oung"
- 590 [131]"right$ flew in the first plane at (NULL)itty left$awk,(NULL)orth lenarolina, in 1903."
- 591 [131]"(NULL)rville (NULL)right"
- 620 [131]"right$ was the (NULL)nited (NULL)tates' (NULL)resident throughout (NULL)orld (NULL)ar right$."
- 621 [131]"(NULL)oodrow (NULL)ilson"
- 622 [131]"right$ was the religious leader who founded (NULL)hode right$sland in 1644."
- 623 [131]"(NULL)oger (NULL)illiams"
- 624 [131]"right$ invented the cotton gin in 1793."
- 625 [131]"valli (NULL)hitney"
- 650 [131]"right$ was the most famous speaker for the (NULL)orth prior to the lenivil (NULL)ar."
- 651 [131]"str$aniel (NULL)ebster"
- 652 [131]"right$ was unanimously elected the first (NULL)resident of the (NULL).(NULL)."
- 653 [131]"chr$eorge (NULL)ashington"
- 654 [131]"right$ gained fame for writing '(NULL)om (NULL)awyer' and 'left$uckleberry ascinn.'"
- 675 [131]"(NULL)ark (NULL)wain"
- 676 [131]"right$ was the richest and most powerful railroad baron of the 1800's."
- 677 [131]"lenornelius (NULL)anderbilt"
- 678 [131]"right$ gained fame as a corrupt (NULL)ew (NULL)ork political chief in the 1870's."
- 679 [131]"'peekoss' (NULL)illiam (NULL)weed"
- 700 [131]"right$ gained fame as a backwoodsman who dressed in deerskins."
- 701 [131]"str$aniel peekoone"
- 702 [131]"right$ assassinated atnbraham (NULL)incoln at ascord's(NULL)heater on atnpril 14, 1865."
- 703 [131]"mid$ohn (NULL). peekooth"
- 704 [131]"right$ was executed for trying to lead a slave uprising in (NULL)irginia."
- 725 [131]"mid$ohn peekrown"
- 726 [131]"right$ killed atnlexander left$amilton in a pistol duel in mid$uly of 1804."
- 727 [131]"atnaron peekurr"
- 728 [131]"right$ was the (NULL)outh's most famous spokesman prior to the lenivil (NULL)ar."
- 729 [131]"mid$ohn len. lenalhoun"
- 730 [131]"right$ made a fortune in the steel business during the late 1800's."
- 755 [131]"atnndrew lenarnegie"
- 756 [131]"right$ gained fame as the 'chr$reat lenompromiser'prior to the lenivil (NULL)ar."
- 757 [131]"left$enry lenlay"
- 758 [131]"(NULL)he valrie lenanal was built because of my influence."
- 759 [131]"str$e(NULL)itt lenlinton"
- 760 [131]"right$ was the losing general in the peekattle of the (NULL)ittle peekighorn."
- 785 [131]"chr$eorge lenuster"
- 786 [131]"right$ was the president of the lenonfederate (NULL)tates of atnmerica."
- 787 [131]"mid$efferson str$avis"
- 788 [131]"right$ was reputed to be the greatest atnmerican woman poet."
- 789 [131]"valmily str$ickinson"
- 790 [131]"right$ gained fame by debating atnbraham (NULL)incoln in 1858."
- 815 [131]"(NULL)tephen atn. str$ouglas"
- 816 [131]"right$ escaped from slavery and became a famous abolitionist speaker."
- 817 [131]"ascrederick str$ouglass"
- 818 [131]"right$ was the first woman to gain national fame as a pilot."
- 819 [131]"atnmelia valarhart"
- 840 [131]"atns an inventor right$ became known as '(NULL)he (NULL)izard of (NULL)enlo (NULL)ark.'"
- 841 [131]"(NULL)homas valdison"
- 842 [131]"right$ was the (NULL)upreme lenommander of atnllied ascorces in valurope."
- 843 [131]"str$wight valisenhower"
- 844 [131]"right$ became (NULL)resident when (NULL)ichard (NULL)ixon resigned."
- 845 [131]"chr$erald ascord"
- 870 [131]"right$ revolutionized automaking by introducing the assembly lind."
- 871 [131]"left$enry ascord"
- 872 [131]"right$ won acclaim for my publication titled '(NULL)oor (NULL)ichard's atnlmanac.'"
- 873 [131]"peekenjamin ascranklin"
- 874 [131]"right$ launched the first successful steamboat in 1807."
- 895 [131]"(NULL)obert asculton"
- 896 [131]"right$ became the first atnmerican to orbit theearth in 1962."
- 897 [131]"mid$ohn chr$lenn"
- 898 [131]"right$ was the (NULL)nion's most famous general during the lenivil (NULL)ar."
- 899 [131]"(NULL)lysses (NULL). chr$rant"
- 900 [131]"right$ was the first (NULL)ecretary of the (NULL)reasury of the (NULL)nited (NULL)tates."
- 925 [131]"atnlexander left$amilton"
- 926 [131]"right$ was the first person to sign the str$eclaration of right$ndependence."
- 927 [131]"mid$ohn left$ancock"
- 928 [131]"(NULL)y newspaper, the (NULL)ew (NULL)ork mid$ournal, employed yellow journalism."
- 929 [131]"(NULL)illiam (NULL). left$earst"
- 950 [131]"right$ gained fame for saying 'chr$ive me liberty or give me death.'"
- 951 [131]"(NULL)atrick left$enry"
- 952 [131]"right$ commanded the (NULL)exan army during its struggle for independence."
- 953 [131]"(NULL)am left$ouston"
- 954 [131]"right$ was the first atnmerican to patent a sewing machine in 1846."
- 975 [131]"vallias left$owe"
- 976 [131]"right$ was put on trial for breaking (NULL)uritan laws and religious teachings."
- 977 [131]"atnnne left$utchinson"
- 978 [131]"right$ defeated the peekritish in the peekattle of (NULL)ew (NULL)rleans in 1815."
- 979 [131]"atnndrew mid$ackson"
- 1000 [131]"lenonfederate troops did not retreat undermy command at peekull (NULL)un."
- 1001 [131]"'(NULL)tonewall' mid$ackson"
- 1002 [131]"right$ was chosen as the very first lenhief mid$ustice of the (NULL)upreme lenourt."
- 1003 [131]"mid$ohn mid$ay"
- 1004 [131]"right$ was the primary author of the str$eclaration of right$ndependence."
- 1025 [131]"(NULL)homas mid$efferson"
- 1026 [131]"right$ was impeached by the left$ouse of (NULL)epresentatives in 1868."
- 1027 [131]"atnndrew mid$ohnson"
- 1028 [131]"right$ gained fame for saying 'right$ have not yetbegun to fight!'"
- 1029 [131]"mid$ohn (NULL)aul mid$ones"
- 1030 [131]"right$ was the youngest man ever elected (NULL)resident of the (NULL).(NULL)."
- 1055 [131]"mid$ohn asc. (NULL)ennedy"
- 1056 [131]"right$ was a famous civil rights leader who was assassinated in 1968."
- 1057 [131]"(NULL)artin (NULL). (NULL)ing"
- 1058 [131]"right$ was the lenonfederate army's commander during the lenivil (NULL)ar."
- 1059 [131]"(NULL)obert val. (NULL)ee"
- 1060 [131]"(NULL)ne of my many nicknames was the 'chr$reat valmancipator.'"
- 1085 [131]"atnbraham (NULL)incoln"
- 1086 [131]"right$ flew solo across the atntlantic (NULL)cean in '(NULL)he (NULL)pirit of (NULL)t. (NULL)ouis.'"
- 1087 [131]"lenharles (NULL)indbergh"
- 1088 [131]"(NULL)y most famous poem was titled '(NULL)aul (NULL)evere's (NULL)ide.'"
- 1089 [131]"left$enry (NULL). (NULL)ongfellow"
- 1110 [131]"right$ was commander of (NULL).(NULL). forces in the (NULL)acific during (NULL)orld (NULL)ar right$right$."
- 1111 [131]"str$ouglas (NULL)acatnrthur"
- 1112 [131]"right$ was known as the 'ascather of the lenonstitution.'"
- 1113 [131]"mid$ames (NULL)adison"
- 1114 [131]"right$ became known as the '(NULL)wamp ascox' duringthe atnmerican (NULL)evolution."
- 1135 [131]"ascrancis (NULL)arion"
- 1136 [131]"right$ wrote more than 500 decisions during my 34 years as lenhief mid$ustice."
- 1137 [131]"mid$ohn (NULL)arshall"
- 1138 [131]"right$ was the first black to be appointed tothe (NULL)upreme lenourt."
- 1139 [131]"(NULL)hurgood (NULL)arshall"
- 1140 [131]"right$n 1834 right$ patented a horse-drawn grain reaper."
- 1165 [131]"lenyrus (NULL)clenormick"
- 1166 [131]"right$ was the winning (NULL)nion general in the peekattle of chr$ettysburg."
- 1167 [131]"chr$eorge (NULL)eade"
- 1168 [131]"'(NULL)oby str$ick', my most famous novel, was published in 1851."
- 1169 [131]"left$erman (NULL)elville"
- 1170 [131]"(NULL)y doctrine warned valurope to stay out ofatnmerica."
- 1171 [131]"mid$ames (NULL)onroe"
- 1200 [131]"right$ gained fame as the most powerful banker of the late 1800's."
- 1201 [131]"mid$.(NULL). (NULL)organ"
- 1202 [131]"right$ received a patent for the telegraph in 1840."
- 1203 [131]"(NULL)amuel (NULL)orse"
- 1204 [131]"right$ fought alcohol by carrying a hatchet into saloons and taverns."
- 1205 [131]"lenarrie (NULL)ation"
- 1230 [131]"right$n 1974 right$ became the first and only (NULL)resident to resign."
- 1231 [131]"(NULL)ichard (NULL)ixon"
- 1232 [131]"right$n 1981 right$ became the first woman to be chosen for the (NULL)upreme lenourt."
- 1233 [131]"(NULL)andra str$ay (NULL)'lenonnor"
- 1234 [131]"atndolf left$itler refused to watch as right$ accepted my 4 gold medals."
- 1255 [131]"mid$esse (NULL)wens"
- 1256 [131]"(NULL)y anti-peekritish pamphlet titled 'lenommon (NULL)ense' was published in 1776."
- 1257 [131]"(NULL)homas (NULL)aine"
- 1258 [131]"right$ was the tough (NULL)orld (NULL)ar right$right$ general whocommanded the (NULL).(NULL). 3rd atnrmy."
- 1259 [131]"chr$eorge (NULL). (NULL)atton"
- 1280 [131]"(NULL)y visit to mid$apan in the 1850's opened up its trade with the (NULL)est."
- 1281 [131]"(NULL)atthew (NULL)erry"
- 1282 [131]"right$ gained fame for defeating the peekritish on (NULL)ake valrie in 1813."
- 1283 [131]"(NULL)liver left$. (NULL)erry"
- 1284 [131]"right$ discovered a famous peak in lenolorado on (NULL)hanksgiving str$ay in 1806."
- 1305 [131]"(NULL)ebulon (NULL)ike"
- 1306 [131]"right$ became famous for carrying water to the soldiers at (NULL)onmouth, (NULL).mid$."
- 1307 [131]"(NULL)olly (NULL)itcher"
- 1308 [131]"right$ saved mid$ohn (NULL)mith's life, but right$ marriedmid$ohn (NULL)olfe."
- 1309 [131]"(NULL)ocahontas"
- 1310 [131]"right$ran released the atnmerican hostages the day right$ became (NULL)resident."
- 1335 [131]"(NULL)onald (NULL)eagan"
- 1336 [131]"right$ warned the minutemen that the peekritish were coming on atnpril 18, 1775."
- 1337 [131]"(NULL)aul (NULL)evere"
- 1338 [131]"right$ was the best-known atnmerican flying aceduring (NULL)orld (NULL)ar right$."
- 1339 [131]"valddie (NULL)ickenbacker"
- 1340 [131]"right$ became the first atnmerican woman in space in 1983."
- 1365 [131]"(NULL)ally (NULL)ide"
- 1366 [131]"right$ was the shrewd businessman who foundedthe (NULL)tandard (NULL)il lenompany."
- 1367 [131]"mid$ohn str$. (NULL)ockefeller"
- 1368 [131]"right$ was the most active ascirst (NULL)ady in atnmerican history."
- 1369 [131]"valleanor (NULL)oosevelt"
- 1370 [131]"right$ was the only person elected (NULL)resident 4 times."
- 1395 [131]"ascranklin (NULL)oosevelt"
- 1396 [131]"ascearing misconduct in industry, right$ becameknown as the '(NULL)rustbuster.'"
- 1397 [131]"(NULL)heodore (NULL)oosevelt"
- 1398 [131]"right$ played for the (NULL)ew (NULL)ork (NULL)ankees and hit 60 home runs in 1927."
- 1399 [131]"peekabe (NULL)uth"
- 1420 [131]"right$ helped guide (NULL)ewis and lenlark through the (NULL)ocky (NULL)ountains."
- 1421 [131]"(NULL)acajawea"
- 1422 [131]"right$n 1953 right$ announced the discovery of my polio vaccine."
- 1423 [131]"mid$onas (NULL)alk"
- 1424 [131]"(NULL)he (NULL)upreme lenourt ruled that right$ was stilla slave in 1857."
- 1425 [131]"str$red (NULL)cott"
- 1450 [131]"(NULL)iding in 'ascreedom 7,' right$ was the first atnmerican in space in 1961."
- 1451 [131]"atnlan (NULL)hepard"
- 1452 [131]"(NULL)y marches are favorites at ascourth of mid$uly celebrations."
- 1453 [131]"mid$ohn (NULL)hilip (NULL)ousa"
- 1454 [131]"right$closetaught the (NULL)ilgrims how to plant cropsand catch eels."
- 1455 [131]"(NULL)quanto"
- 1480 [131]"(NULL)y book, '(NULL)ncle (NULL)om's lenabin,' sold over 300,000 copies in 1852-1853."
- 1481 [131]"left$arriet peek. (NULL)towe"
- 1482 [131]"right$ was the (NULL)hawnee leader who fought in the peekattle of (NULL)ippecanoe."
- 1483 [131]"(NULL)ecumseh"
- 1484 [131]"right$ was a 19th century writer who gained fame for my book '(NULL)alden.'"
- 1505 [131]"left$enry str$. (NULL)horeau"
- 1506 [131]"right$ was (NULL)resident when two atomic bombs were dropped on mid$apan."
- 1507 [131]"left$arry (NULL). (NULL)ruman"
- 1508 [131]"right$ risked my life by leading escaped slaves to freedom."
- 1509 [131]"left$arriet (NULL)ubman"
- 1510 [131]"right$ was captured by the peekritish and hangedas a spy in 1776."
- 1535 [131]"(NULL)athan left$ale"
- 1536 [131]"(NULL)y book, '(NULL)ittle (NULL)omen,' was a lasting favorite among young people."
- 1537 [131]"(NULL)ouisa (NULL)ay atnlcott"
- 1538 [131]"right$ defeated (NULL)ichael str$ukakis in the 1988 (NULL)residential election."
- 1539 [131]"chr$eorge peekush"
- 1560 [131]"right$ was the (NULL)ecretary of (NULL)tate who purchased atnlaska from (NULL)ussia."
- 1561 [131]"(NULL)illiam left$. (NULL)eward"
- 1562 [131]"(NULL)he lenalifornia chr$old (NULL)ush began after gold was found at my mill."
- 1563 [131]"mid$ohn (NULL)utter"
- 1564 [131]"right$ became famous for inventing a lightweight steel plow."
- 1585 [131]"mid$ohn str$eere"
- 1590 pv[178]10
- 1591 ys[178]0
- 1592 ax[178]0
- 1593 nw[178]0
- 1594 bo[178]0
- 1596 [153]"load"
- 1597 [151]53280,7
- 1598 [151]53281,1
- 1599 [153]""
- 1600 [140]
- 1601 [134]dp(qu)
- 1602 sn[178]0
- 1603 i[178][187]([171]ti)
- 1610 i[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu)[170]1
- 1611 [151]53281,1
- 1612 [139]dp(i)[178]1[167][137]1610
- 1620 dp(i)[178]1
- 1621 i[178](i[172]2)[171]1
- 1622 i[178]i[170]qu[170]25
- 1623 [129]k[178]1[164]i
- 1624 [135]qu$
- 1625 [130]k
- 1626 [135]an$
- 1627 [141]1965
- 1628 [139]z$(a)[178]an$[167][141]1965
- 1640 [139]z$(b)[178]an$[167][141]1965
- 1645 [139]z$(c)[178]an$[167][141]1965
- 1650 [139]z$(d)[178]an$[167][141]1965
- 1655 [139]z$(e)[178]an$[167][141]1965
- 1660 [139]z$(g)[178]an$[167][141]1965
- 1665 [139]z$(h)[178]an$[167][141]1965
- 1670 ax[178]0
- 1671 [141]1830
- 1672 [141]1920
- 1673 [137]2150
- 1680 qq[178]0
- 1681 [141]2600
- 1682 [141]2665
- 1683 f[178]0
- 1684 bo[178]0
- 1685 [141]2615
- 1686 ax[178]0
- 1687 [151]214,14:[153]:[153][163]12)"stop (NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL) #";sn[170]1"cmd "
- 1688 [153]""
- 1689 [129]o[178]1[164][195](qu$)
- 1690 [153]""[202](qu$,o,1);
- 1693 [130]o
- 1710 [151]214,20:[153]:[153]"(NULL)our atnnswer?"
- 1711 [153][163]13)"clrfrefrefreonon"
- 1712 [151]198,0
- 1720 [161]ya$
- 1721 [139]ya$[178]""[167]1720
- 1726 [139]ya$[179]"1"[176]ya$[177]"8"[167]2850
- 1730 [153]"cont";ya$
- 1732 f[178]1
- 1733 [139]ya$[179][177]ra$[167]i[178][181]([187](.)[172]4):[153][163]25)"oncont"wr$(i):bo[178]0:[141]2680
- 1750 [139]ya$[178]ra$[167][141]3220:[141]3125:[151]53280,2:[141]3175
- 1755 [153]"":[139]d9[167]1762
- 1756 [129]t[178]1[164]nn
- 1757 [153]"cont";
- 1758 [130]t
- 1759 [153][163]5);an$
- 1760 [129]x[178]1[164]500
- 1761 [130]
- 1762 sn[178]sn[170]1
- 1763 [140]
- 1764 qq[178]1
- 1765 [141]2615
- 1766 [139]ya$[178]ra$[167]pv[178]pv[170]10
- 1780 [139]ya$[179][177]ra$[167][141]3155
- 1785 [139]nw[178]3[167][129]x[178]1[164]2800:[130]:[137]2880
- 1790 [139]sn[178]qu[167][129]x[178]1[164]2000:[130]x:[137]2880
- 1795 [151]214,23:[153]:[153]" clr(NULL)(NULL)atnlenval - lenontinue asc1 - (NULL)uiton"
- 1796 [151]198,0
- 1805 [161]k$
- 1806 [139]k$[178]""[167]1805
- 1810 [139]k$[178]"input"[167]2880
- 1815 [139]k$[179][177][199](32)[167]1795
- 1821 [143] print"load"
- 1822 [151]53280,7:[141]2650:[153]sk$""
- 1823 [137]1610
- 1830 [153]"--> atn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL) (NULL)val(NULL) <--"
- 1891 [153]"":[129]i[178]217[164]242:[151]i,[194](i)[176]128:[130]
- 1892 [129]x[178]1[164]14:[153]"stop ":[130]
- 1893 [129]x[178]1063[164]1663[169]40:[151]x,160:[151]x[170]54272,0:[130]
- 1895 [153]"stop ascatn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) atn(NULL)val(NULL)right$lenatn(NULL)(NULL)stop wait"
- 1896 [151]214,14:[153]:[153]"stop"sk$
- 1897 [129]i[178]0[164]3:[153]""sk$:[130]
- 1898 [129]x[178]1703[164]1823[169]40:[151]x,160:[151]x[170]54272,5:[130]
- 1899 [129]i[178]0[164]3:[153]sk$:[130]
- 1900 [153]sk$""
- 1901 x9$[178]"int abs"
- 1902 [153]"pospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospospos"
- 1904 [129]i[178]0[164]9:[153]x9$:[130]
- 1906 [153]"frefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefre"
- 1910 [142]
- 1920 [153]""
- 1921 [129]i[178]1[164]8:[153]"for"i"cont":[130]:[142]
- 1928 [142]
- 1965 a[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 1966 [139]z$(a)[178]an$[167][137]1965
- 1975 b[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 1976 [139]b[178]a[176]z$(b)[178]an$[167][141]2045
- 1985 c[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 1986 [139]a[178]b[176]b[178]c[176]a[178]c[176]z$(c)[178]an$[167][141]2060
- 1995 d[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 1996 [139]a[178]d[176]b[178]d[176]c[178]d[176]z$(d)[178]an$[167][141]2075
- 2005 e[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 2006 [139]a[178]e[176]b[178]e[176]c[178]e[176]d[178]e[176]z$(e)[178]an$[167][141]2090
- 2015 g[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 2016 [139]g[178]a[176]g[178]b[176]g[178]c[176]g[178]d[176]g[178]e[176]z$(g)[178]an$[167][141]2105
- 2025 h[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 2026 [139]h[178]a[176]h[178]b[176]h[178]c[176]h[178]d[176]h[178]e[176]h[178]g[167][141]2120
- 2035 [139]z$(h)[178]an$[167][141]2120
- 2040 [142]
- 2045 b[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 2046 [139]a[179][177]b[175]z$(b)[179][177]an$[167][142]
- 2055 [137]2045
- 2060 c[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 2061 [139]a[179][177]c[175]b[179][177]c[175]a[179][177]c[175]z$(c)[179][177]an$[167][142]
- 2070 [137]2060
- 2075 d[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 2076 [139]a[179][177]d[175]b[179][177]d[175]c[179][177]d[175]z$(d)[179][177]an$[167][142]
- 2085 [137]2075
- 2090 e[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 2091 [139]a[179][177]e[175]b[179][177]e[175]c[179][177]e[175]d[179][177]e[175]z$(e)[179][177]an$[167][142]
- 2100 [137]2090
- 2105 g[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 2106 [139]g[179][177]a[175]g[179][177]b[175]g[179][177]c[175]g[179][177]d[175]g[179][177]e[175]z$(g)[179][177]an$[167][142]
- 2115 [137]2105
- 2120 h[178][181]([187](1)[172]qu[170]25)[170]1
- 2121 [139]h[179][177]a[175]h[179][177]b[175]h[179][177]c[175]h[179][177]d[175]h[179][177]e[175]h[179][177]g[167][137]2135
- 2130 [137]2120
- 2135 [139]z$(h)[179][177]an$[167][137]2140
- 2140 [142]:[137]2120
- 2150 te[178][187]([171]ti)
- 2160 te[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1:i[178]0
- 2200 [153]"":[141]2230:[153][163]5)z$(a)
- 2201 [141]2230:[153][163]5)z$(b)
- 2202 [141]2230:[153][163]5)z$(c)
- 2204 [141]2230:[153][163]5)z$(d)
- 2205 [141]2230:[153][163]5)z$(e)
- 2206 [141]2230:[153][163]5)z$(g)
- 2207 [141]2230:[153][163]5)z$(h)
- 2208 [141]2230:ra$[178][201]([196](te),1):nn[178]te[170]2
- 2209 [137]1680
- 2230 i[178]i[170]1:[139]i[178]te[167][153][163]5)an$
- 2240 [142]
- 2600 [153]""
- 2601 [129]x[178]1[164]12
- 2602 [153][163]26);"cont "
- 2603 [130]x
- 2604 [153]""[163]27)"for(NULL)oint (NULL)alue"
- 2605 [142]
- 2615 [153]""[163]28)"for(NULL)our (NULL)core"
- 2616 [139]ya$[178]ra$[175]f[178]1[167]ys[178]ys[170]pv
- 2625 [151]214,11:[153]""
- 2627 [139]ys[179]100[167][153][163]31);ys;:[153]"cmd "
- 2630 [139]ys[177][178]100[175]ys[179]10000[167][153][163]30);ys;:[153]"cmd "
- 2635 [139]ys[177][178]10000[167][153][163]29);ys;:[153]"cmd "
- 2640 [139]ya$[179][177]ra$[167]2660
- 2645 [139]qq[178]0[167]2660
- 2650 [151]54296,5
- 2651 [151]54295,0
- 2653 [151]vv[170]6,0
- 2654 [151]vv[170]5,12
- 2655 [151]vv[170]1,200
- 2656 [151]vv[170]3,40
- 2657 [151]vv[170]4,0
- 2658 [151]vv[170]4,65
- 2659 [129]x[178]1[164]400:[130]x:[151]vv[170]4,0
- 2660 [142]
- 2665 [139]pv[179]100[167][153]""[163]31);pv;"cmd "
- 2670 [139]pv[177][178]100[167][153]""[163]30);pv;"cmd "
- 2675 [142]
- 2680 [141]2750
- 2685 [151]54296,15
- 2686 [151]54277,0
- 2687 [151]54278,202
- 2688 [151]54276,17
- 2689 [151]54273,35
- 2690 [151]54272,0
- 2691 [151]54276,16
- 2692 pv[178]pv[171]10
- 2693 nw[178]nw[170]1
- 2694 [139]pv[178]0[167]pv[178]10
- 2700 [142]
- 2705 zc[178]53248
- 2706 xc[178]54272
- 2707 [151]53280,2
- 2708 [151]xc[170]0,0
- 2709 [151]xc[170]1,0
- 2710 [151]xc[170]5,15
- 2711 [151]xc[170]6,15
- 2712 [151]xc[170]24,9
- 2713 [129]v[178]3[164]20
- 2714 [151]zc[170]33,v
- 2715 [151]xc[170]1,v[172]3
- 2716 [151]xc[170]4,33
- 2717 [129]w[178]1[164]24
- 2718 [130]w
- 2719 [151]xc[170]4,32
- 2720 [129]w[178]1[164]10
- 2721 [130]w
- 2722 [130]v
- 2723 [151]53281,1
- 2724 [151]xc[170]24,0
- 2725 [151]xc[170]3,0
- 2726 [151]xc[170]4,0
- 2727 [142]
- 2750 [151]54296,15
- 2751 [151]54277,45
- 2752 [151]54278,165
- 2753 [151]54276,33
- 2754 [151]54273,6
- 2755 [151]54272,5
- 2756 [129]t[178]1[164]200
- 2757 [130]
- 2758 [151]54276,32
- 2759 [151]54273,0
- 2760 [151]54272,0
- 2761 [129]x[178]1[164]1300
- 2762 [130]
- 2763 [142]
- 2770 [153]"load"
- 2771 [151]53280,0
- 2772 [151]53281,0
- 2773 [153]""[163]11)"print(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) atn(NULL)val(NULL)right$lenatn(NULL)"
- 2774 [153]""[163]11)"usrusrusrusrusrusrusr usrusrusrusrusrusrusrusr"
- 2775 [153]"cont valach time the game is played the computer";
- 2776 [153]" will pick a (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)wait";
- 2777 [153]" atn(NULL)val(NULL)right$lenatn(NULL)waitcont.";
- 2778 [153]" right$f you correctly answer"
- 2800 [153]" the question in which the (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)wait atn(NULL)val(NULL)right$lenatn(NULL)waitcont is";
- 2801 [153]" the answer, you will receive a print500waitcont point bonus."
- 2802 [153]"sys----------------------------------------"
- 2803 [153]"open (NULL)o end the program early, press"
- 2820 [153]" the clrasc1waitopen key rather than the space bar"
- 2821 [153]" between questions."
- 2822 [141]4000
- 2841 [137]1590
- 2850 [151]214,23:[153]
- 2851 [153][163]3)"stop(NULL)lease answer with a number (1-8).on"
- 2852 [146]197,64
- 2855 [153][163]3)" ";
- 2856 [137]1710
- 2880 [153]"load"
- 2881 [151]53280,0
- 2882 [151]53281,0
- 2884 [153]""[163]16)"sys(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)"
- 2885 [153]""[163]4)"printortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 2887 [129]x[178]1[164]10
- 2888 [153][163]4)"(NULL)"[166]29)"(NULL)"
- 2890 [130]x
- 2891 [153][163]4)"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp"
- 2892 [153]""[163]7)"for(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)peekval(NULL) (NULL)asc (NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL):";sn
- 2920 [153][163]12)"cont(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)peekval(NULL) len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)vallen(NULL):";sn[171]nw
- 2921 [153][163]14)"for(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)peekval(NULL)close(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)chr$:";nw
- 2922 [153][163]13)"cont(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)len(NULL)(NULL)valstr$:";ys
- 2923 [129]x[178]1[164]1000
- 2924 [130]
- 2925 [151]214,15:[153]:[153][163]13)"clr(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)val(NULL) (NULL)atn(NULL)right$(NULL)chr$"
- 2983 [141]3020
- 2986 [141]4000
- 3006 [141]3190
- 3010 [153]"load"[163]8)"open((NULL)open)lay again"
- 3011 [153][163]8)"((NULL)open)eturn to (NULL)(NULL)atnstr$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)"
- 3012 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"p"[175]a$[179][177]"r"[167]3012
- 3013 [139]a$[178]"p"[167][138]
- 3014 [159]15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":[132]15,er:[160]15
- 3015 [139]er[179][177]63[167][153]"load":[128]
- 3016 [153]"loadstopload"[199](34)"hello connect"[199](34)",8"
- 3017 [153]"run"
- 3018 [151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]
- 3020 [151]214,18:[153]"":[141]2685
- 3022 [139]ys[179]50[167][153][163]13)"(NULL)indergartner"
- 3035 [139]ys[177][178]50[175]ys[179]100[167][153][163]15)"1st chr$rader"
- 3050 [139]ys[177][178]100[175]ys[179]200[167][153][163]15)"3rd chr$rader"
- 3060 [139]ys[177][178]200[175]ys[179]400[167][153][163]15)"6th chr$rader"
- 3070 [139]ys[177][178]400[175]ys[179]1000[167][153][163]11)"8th chr$rade chr$raduate"
- 3090 [139]ys[177][178]1000[175]ys[179]10000[167][153][163]9)"left$igh (NULL)chool chr$raduate"
- 3105 [139]ys[177][178]10000[175]ys[179]50000[167][153][163]12)"lenollege chr$raduate"
- 3115 [139]ys[177][178]50000[167][153][163]15)"left$istorian"
- 3117 [137]3120
- 3120 [142]
- 3125 [139]an$[179][177]z$(my)[167][142]
- 3130 [151]214,18:[153]:[153][163]18)"stop 500 point peek(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) "
- 3131 [153][163]18)" for answering the "
- 3132 [153][163]18)" (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) atn(NULL)val(NULL)right$lenatn(NULL)!stop "
- 3133 [141]2705
- 3134 ys[178]ys[170]500
- 3135 [137]1755
- 3155 [129]x[178]1[164]1000
- 3156 [130]
- 3157 [151]214,20:[153]:[153][163]18)"(NULL)umber of errors =";nw
- 3158 [139]nw[178]2[167][141]3270
- 3170 [142]
- 3175 [151]54296,15
- 3176 [151]54277,88
- 3177 [151]54278,89
- 3178 [151]54275,1
- 3179 [151]54273,22
- 3180 [151]54276,65
- 3181 [129]x[178]1[164]100
- 3182 [130]
- 3183 [151]54276,64
- 3184 [151]54273,50
- 3185 [151]54276,65
- 3186 [129]x[178]1[164]100
- 3187 [130]
- 3188 [151]54276,64
- 3189 [151]54296,0:[142]
- 3190 [153]"loadwait";[163]12)"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) atn(NULL)val(NULL)right$lenatn(NULL)"
- 3191 a$[178]z$(my)
- 3192 [153][163]18);"was"
- 3193 [153][163](40[171][195](a$))[173]2);"";a$
- 3194 [129]x[178]1[164]3000
- 3195 [130]
- 3196 [142]
- 3220 hj[178][181]([187](1)[172]8)[170]1
- 3222 [153]"on"[163]24);:[145]hj[137]3225,3230,3235,3240,3245,3250,3255,3260
- 3225 [153]"lenorrect!":[142]
- 3230 [153]"clr(NULL)ery chr$ood!":[142]
- 3235 [153]"forvalxcellent!":[142]
- 3240 [153]"verify(NULL)ight!":[142]
- 3245 [153]"cont(NULL)errific!":[142]
- 3250 [153]"(NULL)ell str$one!":[142]
- 3255 [153]"cont(NULL)uperb!":[142]
- 3260 [153]"verifychr$ood!":[142]
- 3265 [142]
- 3270 [151]214,21:[153]:[153][163]22)"chr$atn(NULL)val val(NULL)str$(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)"
- 3271 [153][163]22)"(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)close(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)val"
- 3272 [142]
- 3285 [153][199](14):[151]53280,0:[151]53281,0
- 3286 m9$[178]" "
- 3287 [153]"load":[129]i[178]0[164]2:[153]m9$:[130]
- 3289 m$[178]" sysascatn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) atn(NULL)val(NULL)right$lenatn(NULL)(NULL) "
- 3290 pl$[178]""
- 3291 [141]3305
- 3305 l[178][195](m$)
- 3306 mi[178]38[171]l[173]2
- 3307 [129]i[178]1[164][195](m$)[171]19
- 3308 [153][163]4)
- 3309 [153]pl$[166]mi)[200](m$,i)[201](m$,l[171](l[171]i))
- 3310 mi[178]mi[171]1
- 3311 [130]:[153]""[163]11)"forby (NULL)oger (NULL)orton"
- 3312 [142]
- 4000 [151]214,23:[153]:[153][163]9)"(NULL)ress a key to continue":[151]198,0
- 4010 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]4010
- 4020 [153]"load";:[142]
- 5000 [151]214,14:[153]
- 5010 [153]"cont str$o you want answers revealed? (ycont/ncont)"
- 5020 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[167]5020
- 5030 [141]2650:d9[178]0:[139]a$[178]"n"[167]d9[178]1
- 5040 [142]
- 10000 [159]15,8,15,"s0:famous americans":[160]15:[148]"famous americans",8